Sunday, December 30, 2007

Home For Christmas (Part 2)

My mom, Sandy, and I all went to our Nations Capital for a day. The first spot on our tour was the Natural History Museum to look at a bunch of bones.

Then a quick stop by the idiot's house to check out the national tree. Not bad.

I think the more she thought about it, Sandy decided she was siked on the White House.

Sandy received the full tourist package complete with "could you take a photo us?".

Then found Jesus.

This was the Cali girls first trip to the east coast (non-derby related).

So I introduced her to ol' Abraham.

On the way home we stopped by the Griswolds. This dude has so many lights on his house his neighbors don't even try.

Santa on his hog.

He even has a donation box in his yard to help with is electrical bill. He told us the donations help, but still don't come close to what he pays every year.

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