Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Remembering 684

684 South Van Ness in San Francisco was a hell ride skate house I lived in for almost a year. It was (from right to left) Danny Gotimer, Wiley, Myself, Brian "Hush" Williams, and Rory the Rattler. Here are a few photos to help rekindle the good times.

Pre Rattler party with Rory.

Rainy day weirdness.

Classic Gotimer photo: After hanging out with Rory all night he pissed his pants on his way back to the house. If I remember correctly he also made a ton of phone calls that night too. Regretfully I was not someone that got a call. (Sorry Danny, I love this photo.)


Rory Part 2 said...


Wiley said...

holy shit that was so good

Gabe L'Heureux said...

Gordon....ur blog rules....link me...


DonFrye said...

gordon i always look at ur blog after this u r blog king for october